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Murabba Sweets

What Is Murabba?

Murabba, an elegant delicacy in Indian culinary heritage, has a rich narrative steeped in tradition. Its origins trace back to the illustrious era of the Mughal Empire, where it emerged as a method to conserve fruits in sugar or honey, imparting a delectable dessert-like quality while protracting their freshness. Gradually, this culinary practice became entrenched in Indian households, with each region infusing its own distinct flavours and innovative twists into the preparation. Today, our variety of Murabbas like amla. Peer, apple, bel, harad, mixed murabba  pays homage to this time-honoured tradition by marrying fruits with a consistent blend of sweetness and spices. The result is a symphony of flavours that resonates with India's cultural heritage, offering a delightful journey through time with every bite.

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Best Selling Murabbas

Freshly Packed Murabbas Made Using Traditional Recipes

Murabba Gallery


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